Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Dragonfly Effect - Try it in your business!

Proven strategies for harnessing the power of social media to drive social change. Many books teach the mechanics of using Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to compete in business. But no boook addresses how to harness the incredible power of social media to make a difference.

The Dragonfly Effect
, shows you how to tap social media and consumer psychological insights to achieve a single, concrete goal. Named for the only insect aht is able to move in any direction when its four wings are working in concert, This book, "Reveals the four wings" of the Dragonfly Effect and how they work together to produce colossal results. Features original case studies of global organizations like the Gap, Starbucks, Kiva,Nike, dBay, Facebook and startups like, Groupon and COOKPAD. Showing how they each achieved social good and customer loyalty.

Leverage the power of design thinking and psychological research with practical strategies. Revealing how everyday people achieve unprecedented results - whether finding an almost impossible bone marrow match for a friend, raising millions for cancer research, or electing the current president of the United States...or the next one.

Dragonfly Effect shows that you don't need money or power to inspire seismic change.

From Lana Howell's web post. We at Monday Small Biz Buzz would add...that this effect could be powerful for your business as well.

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