Saturday, February 17, 2007

As a small business manager or owner, what are your greatest challenges or headaches?

We would like to know about your challenges and headaches in your small business!


jt said...

The main challenges we have in our business are cashflow related,ie, timely billing and collections. Coupled with this area is a simple yet effective way to track our costing per job or project.

We also struggle with a balance of marketing and the sales cycle. We are either increasing marketing to get work or holding off because we have more than we can handle.

We could really use some ideas, suggestions or coaching to take our business to the next level.

Freakiefoo said...

One of the Greatest challenges we face is Advertising, and getting the best bang for our buck.

Sometimes if we don't get a good return on our investment, it feels like we are throwing money out the window.

Not knowing if there are any Residual effects for the long term of the advertising that we are currently doing.

Anonymous said...

People should read this.