Monday, March 17, 2008

Budgeting: Better Road to Success - Part 1

When I travel I like to look at a map or at least the itinerary of the trip and my destination. When I review the details or at least the general travel information of the trip I get a better feel for what is going to happen. In many cases the plans will get changed or be adjusted due to bad weather or other situations.

A trip for business or pleasure generally goes better if a map or plan is followed. Just taking off hoping to get somewhere usually is a waste of time and money.

The same holds true in your business. Planning is always better than no plan especially when financial objectives are at play.

Over the next postings I will discuss business budgeting using the experiences of clients, both good and bad. Budgeting is most helpful when clouds are on the horizon, yet sunny days also require budgeting as well. Stay tuned...

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